Sat, Dec 03
Guitars Artes trio in a live that will be on the 03/12th, Saturday at 16 pm on facebook at Instituto Lumiarte.

Time & Location
Dec 03, 2022, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
About the event
Ministry of Tourism, Special Secretariat for Culture and Lumiarte Institute present the "Digital Guitar", and for this incredible day, the trio brings all the mix, experience with versatility to bring the public a repertoire of access to classical music in this live that will be on the 3rd /12, Saturday at 4 pm on the Lumiarte Institute's facebook page. It offers as accessibility measures a pound translator, audio description and description of images on social networks (#PraTodosVerem). Realization of the Ministry of Tourism, Special Secretariat of Culture and Instituto Lumiarte through the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture, and is sponsored by the companies Comercial João Afonso, CECAFI, Arielle Revestimentos, Carmelo Fior, Pisoforte Revestimentos Cerâmicos and Companhia Metalgraphica Paulista.
#PraTodosVerem In the image we have the drawing of blank guitar strings and a photo of the Trio of guitarists. The art features on a black background with red highlights in the upper right and lower left corners. The texts are written in white letters Ministry of Tourism, Special Secretariat for Culture, and Instituto Lumiarte present, ( Guitar Digit@al) (description of the composers) (Guitars Artes Trio) (Welton Nadai I Pedro Cameron I Priscila Giusti) below we have ( DECEMBER – 03 – 16H) (Live – facebook/institutolumiarte) (free classification for all ages) (red banner with FREE writing). In the footer we have the logos all written, being mentioned Sponsorship Lei de Incentivo à Cultura, Cecaf, Pisoforte Revestimentos Cerâmicos, Comercial João Afonso, Companhia Metalgraphica Paulista, Support Casa do Ipê Amarelo, Lumiarte, Production Aline Pinton Produções, Auto Reverse Multimedia Production, Mary Favoretto Produções, Rede Vinil Produtora, Result Contabilidade, Directing, Special Secretariat for Culture and Ministry of Tourism.
#alinepintonproduções #autoreversemultimidia #cecafi #casadoipeamarelolumiarte #comercialjoaoafonso #CompanhiaMetalgraphicaPaulista #governodobrasil #InstitutoLumiarte #leideincentivoacultura #maryfavorettoproduções #ministeriodoturismo #priscilagiusti #redevinil #resulttcontabilidade #violoesartestrio #weltonnadai #pedrocameron #violaodigital lumiarte #lumiartedigital